In Honor of Stephanie Chuchman.
Carrying on the Legacy.


Our accomplishments
MBIS BISS MBPIS GrCH HeavenlyHund's Thurman was #1 puppy and #3 breed in 2011
(started in mid year)
#1 breed in Canada 2012.
#3 in Canada 2014 limited showing
Thurman won a total of;
3 group 1st
4 group 2nd
13 group 3rd
11 group 4th
19 Best puppy in group
4 Best puppy in show
3 Best of breed in Specialty
1 Best in Specialty Show
Followed by many Best of breeds in the regular show. Thurman went off to retire at the age of 3 years old :). He is now 14 years young.
We will be bringing Thurman out to select Specialties to have fun as a veteran.

Group 3rd

Specialty Win

Thurman National Specialty Win

#1 miniture long haired Dachshund 2012 in Canada

Conformation Dog Shows is an event that compares dogs to their written standards. Mixed-breed dogs do not have a breed standard. that does not mean that they're not great dogs; it simply means that we have no way of including them in the sport of conformation. The AKC and CKC allows mixed-breed dogs to compete in most of its events, including Agility, Obedience, Rally, Fast CAT, Tracking, Scent work… We as ethical breeders obsess over pedigrees. We agonize over our breeding decisions. We use software to map out test breeding's and make long term breeding plans. We plan to produce sound, healthy, beautiful and longer-lived dogs.
HeavenlyHund and TreacleDach are proud owner, breeder and handler. We enjoy showing and breeding our dogs to improve our future lines for better health, temperament and beauty.
I am very careful about the dogs I breed and everybody is Health tested before I breed them. I breed for First Health. Second temperament and 3rd a look that meets and exceeds the breed standard.
If your question is do we breed our smooth haired and long haired together ? the answer is NO
We breed our long haired with long haired and have Black and Cream, Cream, EE Cream, Chocolate and Cream, Chocolate dapple cream or Reverse Silver Dapple and Cream.
We breed smooth haired with smooth haired and have either Black and Tans, Chocolate and Tan or Reds.
More photos of our hounds...